Nordic API Gateway Integration

Deprecated feature

This feature is not available to new customers and is in the process of being removed for existing customers.

Fenerum integrates with Nordic API Gateway using service called Viia. By the usage of this service Fenerum can automatically download your bank statements to be matched with Invoices and Expenses.

To start using it first you need to import accounts you want to synchronize. To do so go to the "Bank accounts" tab in Fenerum and click "New bank account" button.

On the pop-up click "Connect to Viia".

NOTE*: Viia integration is currently in Beta phase and may not be available for all clients. If you want to use it and don't see this button contact as at*

You will be redirected to Viia page where you will have to login to your bank and select bank accounts to be synchronized with Fenerum. Details of this process on the Viia side are described here.

After importing your bank accounts you will need to configure basic settings for each account.
The most important thing is to set the ERP account corresponding to given bank account.
Optionally you can also change the name of the Account and choose a synchronization start date. If you will put a date here Fenerum will not download any bank statements older than this date.

After that you are ready to go and Fenerum should automatically download your bank accounts statements every 6 hours.

Manual synchronization

If you need them faster you can click "Synchronize bank accounts" button to schedule new synchronization.

In some cases you may be redirected to Viia page authenticate synchronization.

Supervised re-authorization

According to PSD2 regulations you will need to authorize Fenerum's access to your bank accounts at least every 90 days.
In this case Fenerum will show you a notification.

To reauthorize access you will need to go to "Bank accounts" and click "Synchronize bank accounts" button in the same way as described in "Manual synchronization".

Decision when you will need to reauthorize access is made by your bank and Fenerum don't have any control over that.

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